Thursday, January 31, 2019

Back to Work! A New Year. Not A New Me

It was really nice to be back home for nearly a month. Few headaches, meals cooked by my mom, waking up passed 2 pm every day, It was really nice.

Anyway, I'm back in New Orleans and focusing on important things now and working on being more productive and moving my life forward. Breaks are all good, but if a break was prolonged that would defeat the purpose of it. I ended last semester with the grades that I came here to get, and was proud of myself and thought I earned the messed up sleep schedule. Now it's up to me to keep up with what I've already built on and prove to myself that this is the caliber of student I am now.

The passed module was diabetes and endocrine pharm, something I find relevant since there are many people in my family who are diabetic. It was interesting to learn about the complex mechanisms of insulin, glucose, obesity, and diabetes. I had no idea diabetes spanned SO many different diseases and side effects. I need to keep my diet in check and stay physically active to maximize my GLUT-4 translocation and keep my PTP in check!

Oh yeah, and keep my grades up, and feel smart and hard working.

Image result for insulin system

just a little picture showing the potential complexity of pancreatic cells and diabetes

edit. service hours: 0