Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Semester is Over! The Grind is Not.

I have grown immensely as a person this year, and as a student. I have absolutely no regrets in getting my master in pharmacology at Tulane. I have sustained some great study habits, met some great people including the professors and everyone else involved in the program. This last month was one of the easiest in the programs, but I was still studying for the DAT for my goal of becoming a dentist. The year went by pretty fast honestly. I still remember the little details about the very first day, going in early, everyone foolishly sitting in one corner of the room, wondering who I would talk to for the whole year and who I talked to the first day. It's crazy to me that it's all over now. This is only the start and it was a great start for me. I really am glad I chose this program over any other master I signed up for. I finished all of my volunteering at KIPP and on easter weekend.

I would like to thank Dr Clarkson, Dr Katakam, Ms Phyllis, Ms Linda, and Ms Debbie for all of their hard work and for helping me further my life.


Service Hours: 12