Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Interesting Case of Penicillins

A lot has happened in my life in the last month, leaving my home state of Florida to live on my own for the first time in a beautiful historic city known as New Orleans. I have more to say than I have time to type right now concerning my opinions about Tulane, the city, and my life in general, but I am going to use this blog to write about something more interesting than all of that: penicillins.

It is interesting to note the differences in penicillins, whether it's the natural penicillins V and G, which have narrow spectrum of activity against both gram positives and gram negatives. Also noteworthy is how a different class of penicillins, which includes piperacillins and ticarcillins only affect gram negative bacteria... completely enticing!

But in all honesty, it really is intriguing how diverse the mechanisms and properties of the different classes (natural, anti-staph, amino, anti-pseudomonal) of penicillins are. It reminds me of another beta-lactam drug family: the cephalosporins...

Penicillin G itself.

Service hours in September: 0
Total service hours: 0

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