Thursday, November 1, 2018

Advances, and the Future

One of the courses we have to take here at the Tulane Masters in Pharmacology program is the advances in pharmacology course, which is every Wednesday at noon. It involves being with a group of students and being assigned a "landmark paper" in the field of pharmacology, in other words a paper containing studies or trials concerning medicine which establishes the profoundness of their indications, relevance, side effects, and contraindications.

Something of note is that the paper assigned is always relevant to what is being covered in the current module in class. So recently, I have gone to present for two weeks in a row and both of my papers that I was assigned covered various antihypertensive drugs, such as valsartan, nebivolol, candesartan, and hydrochlorothiazide. Something I find useful about this class is that it can either reenforce or introduce me to a topic that will be of relevance come test day and help me keep up with the material better.

In the future months, I need to up my service hours greatly. I focus too much on studying when the tests roll around, and not enough on serving the community when the tests are farther away. This is something I need to change and it's time to do what I can to change that.

example of what we've observed in an advances paper, detailing the effects of monotherapy vs multi drug therapy

service hours: 0
total: 0...

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