Saturday, March 2, 2019

The grind is (Almost) over

We're done with almost every single thing in this program. We just completed our psychopharm module, which I nearly completely aced. I feel that I've learned a lot this last 6 months, both in and outside of the classroom. Study habits, the need to relax, balancing the aforementioned and being able to be a social person all at once. All of these are important and I believe this has all been beneficial to me. I've improved immensely at my ability to study and put in work while maximizing the time I put in to my studying. This, contributed with the volunteering I plan on taking advantage of is crucial for me to improve as a student and more importantly as a person.

I think it's something that me and some classmates can be proud of: improving how we study, something that is important for us both now and in the future no matter where we proceed academically. I think in terms of study habits, work ethic and maturity, I think this year I have grown more in this one not even full year than I did in all 4 years in college.
The whiteboard. One of my essential study tools. I wrote all of this from the top of my head the night before the test

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