Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Shelf is Done, But Not Everything Is!

I thought the NBME shelf exam was pretty hard. Not that I didn't study enough, but some things I just didn't study properly. A lot of study tools were great, a lot I tried weren't so great. Some where so great, that I ended up studying something that didn't even appear once on a 113 question test. One of my favorite, useful, simple things to study was chemo-man. A very simple visual representation of various forms of chemotherapy and it lists the chemo drugs in a simple anatomical cartoon classifying them by something important: their side effects. Whether its the cardiotoxicity, or fibrosis, or cystitis, chemo-man really made it stick. I wish I studied more about anti HIV, virals, and fungals though! If I had focused more on that stuff (only a few questions) and looked at the cardiac and ANS various receptors and been able to differentiate which went where I feel I'd be way more confident. Not that I needed a high score to keep my grade anyway.

Now that's out of the way, I need to fill my month of April with volunteering and service in order to get my semester's 12 hours done. I'm no stranger to keeping stuff like this until last notice so I'll be fine!

Image result for chemo man
Chemo man! himself!


Service hours: 0

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